Learners — Learn to Earn

An introduction to Digital skills through Storytelling — Avivar Verdure

Balpolam Idi
5 min readSep 10, 2024
Learners Promotional flyer

I recently started identifying as the intersection between Learning and Storytelling. But how did I come to this conclusion? I’m a teacher and a storyteller who has always believed that learning and storytelling intersect. I just didn’t know how to prove it, neither had I ever used it to solve a problem. Until now.

Did you know that Nigeria has over 20 Million out-of-school children and about 60% are found in Northern Nigeria? That’s the highest global out-of-school index for a non-war-torn country. It’s a given since the population here in the northern part of the country is also higher, that means we’re more likely to have leading metrics in everything. We’re not so lucky. We end up leading in underdevelopment, illiteracy and some factors due to multi-layered systemic failures and cultural nuances.

I do not like complaining about things without proffering solutions. I started a Social Enterprise a few years ago called Avivar Verdure. You can say Avivar for short. The etymology and metamorphosis of this brand will come another day. I promise.

Avivar was born out of a desire for holistic education. As a certified educator I am keen on seeing young people develop in an all-around manner. I believe storytelling is the most powerful and effective way to achieve this. Learning need not be tormenting or boring, it should be fun, lifelong and enjoyable. Our innovative approach to learning has birthed projects like the Learners’ Project, (an introduction to digital skills) and Where Gifts Grow (a digital space and support group for personal growth & talent development of Creatives and Business owners). Let me tell this story properly, before I get ahead of myself.

In 2022, a year after I named and birthed Avivar, I started incubating this idea, this baby called Learners. It was supposed to be my last rebellious act as a 24-year-old. One audacious project, to look fleeting youth in the face and say “I won” but guess what? I got hit by grief. It was intense, numbing. I was in the hospital with a loved one for most of November 2022. By the time my birthday came around, I was so drained and tired of life that I had to sneak home and spend the evening on my parents’ farm seeking clarity.

Fast forward to February 2023, I didn’t feel like doing anything or being anywhere. But there’s this thing with dreams, they keep you up against your will. Take you hostage until you birth them. There was a lot of chaos in the Nigeria at the time. An unreasonable cash crunch because of a poorly implemented policy, fuel scarcity, not to mention the increasing pre-electoral tensions in the air. That would have been a great time to continue zombie-ing through the universe but you see, I made a mistake. I told my friends and family about the project before grief hit and they decided to hold me accountable.

That’s how I found myself and my friend, Seyi, in a tricycle and then a motorcycle, on a cold morning, winding up the red dusty road. The deep-reddish laterite covered road with its undulating terrain, leading us to Jenta Community for the pilot. A lot of improvisation was needed, but it was a very interesting experience. The said cash crunch didn’t allow one of our speakers to arrive. Our Target Audience was wrong because we wanted teenagers and Young Adults, instead, we got youngsters, about ages 8–13. The event started two hours late! If you know me, you know I’m unhealthily time conscious and this alone made my brain have mini spasms of stress.

I was so tayad (tired), I wanted to go home kawai! I was so done but Idan no dey carry last and my parents raised a resilient queen so we maintained our itinerary and pulled it. It was a wonderful opportunity for all of us. My team and the learners there all together.

We were invited for another edition by the leadership of the Jenta Reads. This is time, we did a hybrid in November 2023, since I was stuck in Lagos and guess what? It worked. The world didn’t stop turning because I couldn’t be there physically. My truest and deepest appreciation goes to all my guys especially my Mimi, my Izzi, my Shamir and my Shinma, who I ambushed and turned into a speaker in Learners 2.0. I love you guys so much.

The idea behind Learners is that young people listen to the 'Into Tech' stories of people from their own communities and localities, take a brief quiz to find what they’re naturally good at. Then prepare them to learn in-demand skills to help them earn while in school or even realign career goals. No, it’s not a conversion ceremony to become tech bros. Even entrepreneurs are taught how to leverage tech tools and skills to boost their businesses and services.

With the prevalence of educational disdain rising among young people, Avivar Verdure seeks to bridge the gap between inapplicable learning curriculums and alternative pathways to helping young people from lower socioeconomic backgrounds in northern Nigeria earn a living through profitable technological skills.

All this gist is to tell you that I’m finally announcing our next event! In in my hometown, Bauchi! And this time, we’re collaborating with the American Space Bauchi and Women TechMakers Bauchi as well as six different schools ( a mixture of private and public secondary schools) to make this a reality. We still have some other special collaborations on the way.

Ladies and Gentlemen, without further ado,
I present to you 🤍🤭🎊✨🤌🏾

I truly hope you help me raise awareness about this by

1. Clapping

2. Responding with what you found shocking or what resonated with you

3. By sharing for a wider reach.

Thank you for always sticking with me.

Love, Ɓallie 💖



Balpolam Idi

Live, Love, Give. But most importantly, Dream. Learner. Teacher. Wanderer.